Evans Funeral Home
"Compassionate Funeral Service"
Carrington and New Rockford, North Dakota
701.652.3003 or 701.947.2911
Secondary Number ~ 701.650.9937

Evelyn Anderson
Evelyn graduated from Sutton High School and attended Wahpeton State School of Science and Valley City State Teachers College. She was employed by Leegard Auto and Oil Company in Valley City as a bookkeeper and later taught in a one-room country schoolhouse in Kingsley Township for two years, the first of which she lived in the back room of the schoolhouse, responsible for “keeping the fire burning”.
On the cold, wintery night of November 23,1949, Evelyn eloped with Darold Anderson and were married in the parsonage of Trinity Lutheran Church in Cooperstown with Mike Kjelgaard and Virginia Green as their attendants. Mike and Virgina later married and became life-long friends of Evelyn and Darold.
In 1955, at the young ages of twenty-seven, Darold and Evelyn bought the Hannah Stock Farm south of Bordulac, ND, and created the Bordulac Stock Farm where they raised registered Angus cattle, Yorkshire hogs, and Suffolk sheep, but soon dropped the sheep and hogs. They farmed many acres of small grains and corn and developed life-long friends through the North Dakota Angus Association, Carrington Trinity Lutheran Church, and Bordulac farming community.
They sold the Bordulac Stock Farm in 1973, built a house in Glenfield, ND, and continued to farm in that area until 2007 when they retired and moved to Fargo. They enjoyed winters in Harlingen, TX, for 36 years and built a strong family of “Winter Texan Friends”.
In 2019, Evelyn moved to the Auberge Assisted Living in Missoula, MT, to be closer to family. There she developed close friendships at the Auberge, both with residents and staff.
Evelyn was the epitome of a partner-wife, a loving mother, a loyal friend, and a devout Christian. She was a baptized and confirmed member of Mabel Lutheran Church of Sutton, ND. She witnessed to others, not through words, but through her daily living. Her charitable heart was evidenced through 50 years of sending Christmas cards to every resident at the Carrington nursing home, later the Cooperstown nursing home, and finally the Fargo nursing home.
Evelyn was a multi-faceted craftsperson, including sewing her daughters’ clothes when they were young, creating wood items (she was the only woman to use the woodshop at the winter TX Park and her nose was bent out of shape when they advised she should have one of the guys cut the wood for her), embroidery (which she continued to do through the day before her passing), Norwegian Hardanger, woodcarving (up to 94 years old), making greeting cards. One of the greatest legacies she leaves is establishing the quilting group (of three) in Fargo, making over 1,200 lap robes and donating them to Hospice, the Veterans Hospital, and Sanford Hospital. Evelyn was an avid reader.
Evelyn was extremely proud of her Norwegian heritage. One of the highlights of her life was making her first trip to Norway in 1970, where she literally connected now over 60 relatives in Norway to her family of origin here in the United States. She made three additional trips to Norway and visited places where her parents had grown up and she spent cherished time with her relatives in their homes.
Evelyn is survived by her four daughters: Jayne VerLee, Holland, MI; Muriel “Micki” (Gary) Tourtelotte, Superior, MT; Donna (Philip) Eli, Churchs Ferry, ND; and Becky (Dave) Verbyla, Fairbanks, AK. She is also survived by five grandchildren: Shane (Jess) McCorkle, Missoula, MT; Sara (Tim) Leishman, Lolo, MT; Mike (Beth) Eli, Greeley, CO; Miranda Eli, England; and Jonathan (Kerrie) VerLee, Hudsonville, MI; as well as eight great-grandchildren. She is also survived by a brother-in-law Kent (Barbara) Anderson, Cooperstown, ND and numerous nieces and nephews, as well as many relatives in Norway.
After a happy marriage of 64 years, Darold passed away in 2013. Evelyn was also preceded in death by her six brothers and their wives: Albert and Etta, Martin and Hulda, Bjarne and Clara, Harry and Lorraine, Sigurd and Eleanor, Edwin and Sylvia; one sister and her husband, Esther and Oscar Lundeen; and a son-in-law, David VerLee.
Contributions in memory of Evelyn Anderson may be made to:
Mabel Lutheran Cemetery c/o Bob Johnson, 450 96 Ave SE, Sutton, ND 58484
Big Sky Hospice of Missoula, 1900 S Reserve St., Missoula, MT 59801
Evelyn’s Celebration of Life will be held on Friday, April 28, 2023 at 2:00PM at Hanson-Runsvold Funeral Home, Fargo, ND.
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what a beautiful story!! A truly wonderful life! I’m so happy that she moved to Montana and I had the opportunity to meet and visit with her. One heck of a role model for her daughters! Her job on earth is done but I bet she is already doing woodworking in heaven!😘
What a lovely tribute to your Mother’s gifted life. We held Darold and she in high esteem as role models for living a Godly life. While in Fargo, she welcomed us with homemade cookies and coffee to go along with interesting conversation about life on the farm and the joy of sharing news from her daughters. Her quilts and Hardanger were a labor of love. Our lives were enriched by her friendship and we celebrate her eternal life – fulfilling her Hope in Jesus.
I read this and thought, what a woman and what a great life! I only know Becky, but I bet there is a little of your mom’s fierce determination in all of you. Not to mention artistic talent. Rest in peace, Mrs Anderson. You did good. My condolences to all. 🙏🏼 🙏🏼
I didn’t have the honor of meeting Evelyn in person, but felt like I had. Many of her patterns of living have become role models for how I am trying to be.
What a beautiful picture of your mother! I will treasure her picture always 💖 I have some pictures of her but they are in group settings and that isn’t the same. And what a wonderful story of her life! I loved reading about her, somethings I knew about, others I didn’t! I will never forget her. I smiled through the whole obituary as you shared her life story ❤️ She had shared about coming from a large family. but I didn’t know she was the 8th child! so many other things!
She had four daughters herself, and you were the “apple of her eyes”. She loved you all so much, and it was a pleasure to see all of you through the lenses of her eyes.
You mentioned that she witnessed not through her words but through her daily living. She did share her faith in words and I was aware that she was a believer. But yes, more than words, her faith was worked out in her daily living.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Galatians 5:22-23 about the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control! Your mother carried this fruit as she spent time with us, here at the Auberge! She knew Jesus as her personal Savior and that brought her and me closer as she shared her wisdom from her life’s story to others who believe!
She was my friend, always willing to listen to anything I wanted to share with with her about my day or some challenge that I was facing. She was wise in her counsel a always showed a willingness to be there for me. She had that gift!!! She had a great sense of humor, sharing laughter and joy to whoever it was directed too.
While I feel a sadness at her passing my heart is also full of joy! I will sometime join her in heaven. She will still bear the same fruit I knew in her, and God’s word tells me I will know her at once. She will be busy with family and friends but God has promised we will know each other at once! That brings me great joy!!!
You will feel grief and a great loss. I will be praying and thinking of you all during this time. May you know God’s wonderful peace that passes all understanding 🙏
Barb Smart
It was my honor to know Evelyn. She was a wonderful person. What an amazing life and legacy she leaves her children and grandchildren. May the Lord comfort each family member during this time of loss & grieving.
Such a beautiful person, such a beautiful life! Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your mother’s experiences and gifts, and for showing us how her mothering and example helped shape and influence her very special children. Our hearts go out to you during this tender, bittersweet time of loss and remembering.
Becky, your mother was an amazing woman and you seem to have inherited her traits. She lived life to its fullest. Blessings to Ms. Evelyn.
Please accept my condolences to the Anderson family. Mrs Anderson lived a life well-lived. Becky has lovingly shared stories over time, of her resourcefulness, vitality and sense of humor. May happy memories of her bring you consolation and peace.
We are all so very sorry for your loss. We pray that the Lord will bring you comfort and peace and many sweet memories.
With love,
Mark, Roxane, Brenna & Brady
A life well lived indeed.
Dearest Becky, our mothers were the same age and both left peacefully as they wished they would. You are right to say happy for her and very sad for you.
I am sending you love, light, and strength.
muriel i’m so sorry about your mom’s passing. sending my prayers and thoughts your wayand your family.
Micki, Your Mom has had a truly amazing life. Some of the story that I read, like her eloping with your Dad, surprised me and gave us a glimpse of her spirit. She had interest in so many different aspects of life and the talent to engage in all these activities and succeed. Truly a renaissance woman! I believe she passed many of these talents on to her daughters.
I also didn’t realize that they went to Texas for the winter so many years and developed friends where ever she went. Loved reading about her Norwegian heritage and connections. Another thing that I admired about your Mom is how she embraced technology which allowed her to keep up with all her daughters and grandkids on a regular basis. Hers was a life well lived and she will be missed by her many friends and family. Thinking of you all.
Muriel and Family
Prayers to you and your family at the passing of your mother.
Muriel and family
prayers for you and yourfamily
I’m sorry to hear about your mom and would maybe like Muriel contact me if could..I’m unable to type myself I have to have someone type and write for me thanks Susan @7013207683
Becky, I’m sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. She was such a kind soul. I always enjoyed your folks coming out to our old house when we were back in the summers. A lovely obituary, I was not surprised to read she had continued to live her life to bless others with her talents. I hope you and your sisters are all well.