Evans Funeral Home
"Compassionate Funeral Service"
Carrington and New Rockford, North Dakota
701.652.3003 or 701.947.2911
Secondary Number ~ 701.650.9937

Timothy “Tim” Brakke
Timothy (“Tim”) Duane Brakke, age 37, of Grace City, ND died July 8, 2018. He was born April 8, 1981 and raised in Fargo, ND. He lived south of Fargo on the family farm until his mother, Jean Brakke, died when he was 4 years old. He moved into Fargo to live with his grandparents, Alice and Chester Brakke, who helped raise him. He went to Fargo schools but did not graduate from high school. He later went on to receive vocational education at the Quentin Burdick Job Corps in Minot, ND. In 2004, he received certifications in Shielded Metal Arc Welding and Gas Metal Arc Welding.
Tim was a “Jack of all trades” working many different jobs during his life. He started working at Hardee’s in Fargo at age 15. He went on to work for Burger Time (Fargo), Texoma Filters (Wichita Falls, TX), Tooz Construction Inc. (Dickinson), Terry’s Roofing (Dickinson), Rogers ND Elevator, SunGold Foods (Horace, ND), Sioux Manufacturing Corp., Maria Maria Mexican Restaurant (Lisbon, ND), Pizza Ranch (Carrington, ND), and Casey’s (Carrington, ND). In recent years, he worked at the North American Bison Coop in New Rockford, ND. He left this job earlier this year to work for Becker Construction where he did cement work and constructed grain bins. Tim was known by his co-workers to be ambitious and a hard worker.
Tim was sensitive and kind-hearted. He was known for his smile and could fill a room with laughter. He was witty and had a little bit of a comedian in him. He loved his children and family very much even at a distance. Tim had a couple of very close friends that stuck with him even during hard times. Wyatt Akin was close friend of Tim’s from childhood on. He was very thankful for this forever friendship. Randy Peterson and Tim became friends after meeting in 1994. A good friendship grew and Timothy called him “Uncle Randy”. This friendship grew over years to where they were best friends. Tim could always count on “Uncle Randy” up until the day he died. Tim and Randy shared many fun times including fishing trips to Canada, a trip to California to Disneyland and other attractions, and a bus tour to Tijuana, Mexico. Tim frequently talked about these special memories. Tim enjoyed watching movies and visiting with people. Tim liked to look good and enjoyed shopping especially for clothing and shoes.
Tim was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Jamestown, ND. He was baptized on January 22, 2017 and was confirmed February 5, 2017. While he attended Church, it was the happiest that Randy had ever seen Tim. Tim stated that the Church members treated him the nicest he had ever been treated. The members of this church were supportive to Tim when he needed help caring for his daughter, Lucy. He was very grateful to be a member of this Church.
Timothy will be deeply missed by all who knew him. His is survived by his father, Ronald Brakke; his wife, Lydia Brakke; his sister, Kara Brakke (Garret); his brother, Ronald Daren Brakke (Sheri) and his eight beautiful children, Acacia Kay, Timothy Tyler, Anna Lynn, Alerik James, Timothy Duane Jr., Lydia Alice, Jean Marian and Lucy Georgaline. He is preceded in death by his mother, Jean Brakke.
Visitation: Wed., July 18th from 5PM-7PM in Evans Funeral Home, Carrington.
Funeral Service: Thurs., July 19th 1PM in Comstock Lutheran Church, Comstock, MN.
Burial: Comstock Lutheran Cemetery, Comstock, MN.
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Message: Lydia, so sorry about your loss. My thoughts are with you at this hard time.
Message: Condolences to the family of my best friend. Tim was sensitive, good hearted and loved to have fun. We always had fun going shopping and finding a new restaurant to enjoy with his family. I will always miss you Tim. See you on the other side of the veil.
Message: I was so sorry to hear of Timothy’s passing it just don’t seem fair that our Father God took him so soon. He’s in heaven now smiling at us with that smile he always had for everybody he was truly a good person a good soul with a big heart R.I.P. Timothy you will be missed , Heaven has one hell of an angel now!
Message: Sending my condolences to the family of Tim. He was good man and great father. Always had a smile on his face, always having a good time. He will be deeply missed. You may be gone but never forgotten. It’s only goodbye til we meet again..we love and miss you always and forever…
My father meant the world to me. I don’t say goodbyes because this is a see you later. All i ever here is you look so much like your father, and i take that with pride.There isn’t anything in the world i wouldn’t do to see you only for a glimpse. As much as i say “I’m fine” i look up knowing my father watching me prevail when put in harsh situations. I love you and Ill see you later dad.
Mother, I miss you and I also mourn our father’s death with you. My siblings do and we will miss not only a husband, a father, but a great best friend
I miss you dad. Wish you were here to meet me now.
I will miss you for the rest of my life 🙁 I can’t do this without you… but I will for you. This just really sucks so bad.
Merry Christmas daddy.
It’s 2025 daddy, isn’t that crazy? I still look out my window and hope you’re coming home. Some things never change dad. I miss you. I love you.
I wish I could see you again dad