Evans Funeral Home
"Compassionate Funeral Service"
Carrington and New Rockford, North Dakota
701.652.3003 or 701.947.2911
Secondary Number ~ 701.650.9937

Patricia Howard
On May 29, 2021, Patricia Rose Howard, our Mom, fell asleep in death. Mom was born on, July 31, 1931, in Ukiah, California. Her family moved to San Francisco where she grew up and married Gordon Howard.
They raised two daughters. Mom and Dad were married for 66 years when Dad passed away. In 2017, New Rockford, ND became their new home. Mom dealt with a debilitating disease that lasted several years. It was her nature to be a fighter, and she proved that even when dealing with sickness and death.
Patricia is survived by her daughters and sons-in- law, Randal and Geraldine Linderman and Vito and Lori Tuosto.
According to Mom’s wishes, she will be cremated and no memorial service will be held.
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I am so very sorry for your loss. I loved your mom.
Your mom will aways be remembered for her strong and lasting love for Jehovah and her family. She set a fine example as a worker, in her home, and the ministry. She helped many and her presence will be missed, but we look forward to your joy when you see her in the resurrection.
So sorry to hear of your loss, she and your dad were spiritual examples to me.
From Kim and Lori Gordon and the rest of the Gordon boys and family we send our sincere condolences. Enjoyed being around your mom and dad and of course as you know your dad got us all down at the garbage company. Some of us had the privilege of working with him a good guy and of course a very spiritual man. We look forward to seeing both of them very soon. ♥️❤️
GERRY AND LORI, SO sad to hear about the passing of your mom. I remember you all very well, even though I was a teenager. May jehovah bring comfort and peace to you both and your families.
Hello Lori & Geraldine, Cheryl & I are very sorry for your loss. Your dad was one of the biggest encouragement to me as a young man coming up in Sunnyvale Cong. I really missed him when your family moved! I really look forward to seeing them both very soon. May Jehovah continue to bless your efforts in serving him into the New World!
Love Greg and Cheryl Walton
We the old Sunnyvale Congregation members remember your parents with great fondness and love. How we long for the day when mourning, tears and death will be no more.
Our prays are with you. Hold on to all the beautiful memories you have of your parents.
Dear Laurie, Gerry, and family. We have missed having both your parents in our congregation in Sonoma, California. They were here for many years and were longtime friends. We look forward to seeing them again soon, it’s just around the corner. Our love to you all
Hey Jeri and Lori,
Your parents were so influencial in helping many young people truly understand the importance and seriousness of loving the true God Jehovah. I remember going on RVs with your mom in South City and going over the questions for baptism in your dad’s VW Bug. I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing them in the new system of things.