Evans Funeral Home
"Compassionate Funeral Service"
Carrington and New Rockford, North Dakota
701.652.3003 or 701.947.2911
Secondary Number ~ 701.650.9937

John Phillips
John Rangvold Phillips, residing with his daughter and son-in-law in Powell, Wyoming went on to be with the Lord on Saturday, February 17, 2024. His earthly body went to sleep with his family surrounding him at home at sunset. He fought persistently for several months through aggressive brain cancer to spend more time with family. In the last days, there were hearts changed and renewed dedications to Christ through his unspoken testimony.
John was born October 31, 1950 in Decatur, Illinois to William Carl Phillips and June Jeanette Haga. He received a bachelor of science in Mathematics from Florida State and a master’s degree in Engineering from University of Florida. This was after enlisting in the Army during the Vietnam war, serving as a Cobra attack helicopter pilot where he earned two Air Medals, one with Valor. He ended his service as Chief Warrant Officer II. He married his sweetheart, Carol Virginia Kelley, on January 1, 1975 in West Palm Beach, Florida. He had a 25-year career as an Industrial Engineer in the field of nuclear energy. His most loved hobbies were hunting and fishing. His family of three daughters and wife often were part of the outdoor adventures through the years. He served as song leader, Sunday school teacher and grounds keeper for many years at the First Church of God in Aiken, SC. After retirement, he and his wife moved to Warwick, ND where they lived together for the past 15 years. He was a member of the Eddy County Rod & Gun Club and attended New Rockford Evangelical Free Church. After many years of enjoyment in their prairie retreat, Carol passed on to be with the Lord in 2022. John is survived by his brother William (Bill) Phillips (wife Sue), daughter JoAnna Winston (husband Jake), daughter Kelly Ackerman (husband Shaun), daughter Cindy Donnelly and grandson Andrei Mistreanu.
A Graveside Service will be held with military honors at Prairie Home Cemetery, New Rockford, ND, on Monday, February 26, 2024 at 2:00PM, officiated by Pastor Joe Greiner. Fellowship will follow at New Rockford Evangelical Free Church, where all are welcome to share in food and testimonies of their adventures as a friend of John. We look forward to seeing you there.
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John was such a kind, gentle man and we sure will miss him. He was a valuable member of the Eddy County Rod and Gun Club and will be remembered always.
So sorry to hear that John passed away. He was so kind and compassionate, always smiling. His smile radiated from him showing through his whole body. Even his twinkling eyes, showed love and concern. He was always ready to lend a listening ear. His spirit was so gentle and humble. He was so proud of his family and loved them dearly.
His faith, showed through and his walk with the Lord, was very evident. Our church family missed Carol and John as health issues became an issue with attendance. We know he is rejoicing with Carol in Heaven. Praying that good memories will help you and your family through this difficult time.
I love my family very much. I miss you terribly. Our Daddy was the best. I daydream of our parents rejoicing together with the Saints. Kelly & Shaun tirelessly cared for our Daddy. I can not thank them enough. My heart is breaking that I can not attend. Hugs & Love ~Sissy. ❤️
John was a true man of God holding onto his faith through the toughest of times with his illness, even in the midst of the worst of pain. He truely was a man of integrity and a strong example of Godliness to me as he endured and leaned on his faith and God to the very end. My life was deeply touched and I feel very blessed to have had the pleasure of John in it. So happy you are now with the Father of peace, our heavenly Father…you are truly missed.
I met John a short time before he died but he was very kind towards me and talked of His faith and family with great love. I was blessed in knowing him and his family.