Bertha Pahl
Bertha Pahl, age 96, died Wednesday, July 4, 2012, at Golden Acres Manor, Carrington, ND.
Bertha Koepplin was born on October 17, 1915, the daughter of Martin and Philippina (Stevahn) Koepplin at Elgin, ND. She was raised and attended school in Elgin. Bertha and her twin sister worked with their father in the farm fields.
On March 29, 1937, Bertha was united in marriage to August Pahl in Elgin. In 1942, they moved to Brantford, ND, where they farmed for a time. They moved to Carrington where August worked road construction and Bertha worked in the area doing housekeeping and babysitting. August died on February 23, 1976. Bertha entered Golden Acres Manor in October, 2010.
She loved her children and grandchildren and always saw to it they were okay. Bertha was “Crafty”. She made dolls, crocheted and embroidered, baked, enjoyed raising flowers and gardening, did doodling, and is remembered as having been very patient.
Bertha is survived by 9 children: George Pahl, Jule (Shirley) Pahl, Gordon Pahl, Sebastian (Susan) Pahl, all of Jamestown, Larry (Sandra) Pahl, Redfield, SD, Alice (Bob) Norton, Carrington, Joyce (Tony) Kline, Jamestown, Judy (John) Geringer, Fargo, Jeanette (Mark) Cote, Sioux City, IA; 63 grandchildren; 33 great grandchildren; one brother, Andrew (Ramona) Koepplin, Fargo; one sister, Lorentina Anderson, Carrington; two step-sisters, Mable Willoughby, Boise, ID, and Alice Schnell, Jamestown; five step-brothers, Eugene Weisenburger, Warwick, Melvin Weisenburger, Bock, MN, Ervin Weisenburger, Bismarck, Ted Weisenburger and Donald Weisenburger, both of Phoenix, AZ; and many nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; stepfather; husband; one son Loran Pahl; one son-in-law, Delton Seibold; two grandsons, Ferron Seibold and Parrish Sondag; her twin sister, Emma Burkholtz; two brothers, Herbert Koepplin and Elmer Koepplin; two step sisters, Doris and Florence.
FUNERAL SERVICE: Trinity Lutheran Church, Carrington, ND DATE AND TIME: Monday, July 9, 2012 at 2:00 PM INTERMENT: Carrington Cemetery, Carrington, ND |
Posted Condolences:
Name: Linda (Hoff) Hamand
Date: 12-6-2012
Message: Loran G. Pahl, sorry for your loss of your grandmother, I just happened upon this and wanted to give my condolences..my prayers are with you.
your old friend, Linda
Name: Shelly Sharp (Pahl)
Date: 07/07/2012
Message: Grandma was a giving soul, with a heart of gold that reached out to every one.. never angry.. always looking for the positive.. never complained except for her aches and pains as she got older... i will always remember her kindness, her welcoming smile as you entered her house with the cookies and coffee waiting or maybe some juice.. always willing to listen and give her advise as best she could.. I remember her garden, eating peas as fast as we could shell them.. her rhubarb and couldn't get into the house fast enough to get the sugar.. she was always willing to let us help her with her garden, with out fear of us messing it up.. i remember her canning for days and putting it in the basement so we could gobble it up.. always willing to share with her family.. watermelon pickles (yum) i can taste them now. jams, jellies, kuchen(MY FAVORITE !!!) pickles, liver wurst, i could go on and on with all her goodies.. everytime we went to her house i could hardly wait for th!
e Goodies!! because you knew they would be there.. i remember spending alot of over nighters at her house wondering where i was going to sleep and then all of a sudden i would have a bed made out of two chairs. How cool was that!! it was awesome because i was at Grandma's house. I could go on and on with all the memories she has given me.. Thank you so, so much for the memories you have given me over the years, I will treasure them forever.. You showed so much love, and made me proud to be apart of your life.. Grandma may you rest in peace now and let the good Lord above taste all your handmade love and spread it up in heaven as you have done down here. I love you and will think of you often.. Thanks for being the BEST Grandma anyone could have.
Love Shelly, Ashley and Adam, also Toots, Tim and Quinn
Name: Quinn Pahl
Date: July 7, 2012
Name: Penny Sorrells
Date: 7/7/12
Message: Alice and family, sorry for your loss. I pray for comfort for you and your family.