Body Donation Services


Evans Funeral Home works with individuals and their families that choose to donate their body to a Deeded Body Program. We recommend the completion of necessary paperwork to deed remains to the University of North Dakota, School of Medicine & Health Sciences at Grand Forks, ND.

It is important to know several things when considering this option.

1. It is possible to have a "body present" funeral prior to the donation. Evans Funeral Home will gladly inform you of the service choices available. In that we believe in the importance of "saying Good Bye" we recommend some sort of public services at time of death.

2. A body deeded to the program is typically held 2-3 years, prior to being cremated, with the remains optionally sent back to Evans Funeral Home for final disposition by the family.

3. UND now requires all bequeathing forms be completed by the individual, and accepted by the program, prior to the death of the individual.

4. While the body is donated to the program, it is not a "no-cost" option. The program requires the body be removed from place of death, embalmed prior to delivery to UND, and it is necessary to have all certificates and forms obtained and correctly filed with the State of ND and County of Final Disposition. The costs associated with professional services will be completely reviewed with any person requesting this program.

We are including a link to the Deeded Body Program information. Also contact us for more information and necessary forms.

Click here for Deeded Body Program